Saturday, October 1, 2016

Description of our page: PMMT

The "Philippine Military Modernization Today--( PMMT ) shows the might and capabilities of the MODERNIZING AFP.

We would cover the; 


  • SRDP ( Self Reliant Defense Program ); 

  • Anything that involves the country militarily, defense, economically, or development, and progress of the country and also any issues that relates the country; 

  • Military events focused in the SOUTH EAST & EAST ASIA, and ASIA PACIFIC REGIONS and military events that involves and are part of the concerns of the country, related to its defense and or security;

  • Latest updates and or what is hot on military discoveries or technologies that are being introduced world wide, and other interesting matters related to the military; 

  • CHINA ALERT posts ( watching over CHINA );

  • This page gives military entertainment

This page is for the public to be fully aware of the AFP MODERNIZATION PROGRAM and be fully aware of the present conditions and capabilities of their ARMED FORCES."

Philippine Military Modernization Today or PMMT, is created to promote the AFP Modernization program to the general public of the Philippines, our goal is to educate and remind the general public about the importance of national defense

AFP Modernization Today, is the official group (join our group) of (Please click the links, thanks) Philippine Military Modernization Today (like us on FB) we discuss matters relating to the AFP modernization program, the country, the military, national defense, and the like. 

The group and page is strictly moderated and administered by defense forum members, defense analysts, and military enthusiasts of different calibers.              

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