Monday, November 6, 2017

Comparing the AS-211 Warrior and the FA-50 Eagle; Analysis

This is my article about the FA-50 Eagle, and the AS-211 Warrior of the Philippine Air Force, along with some minor editorials, and corrections.

FA-50, credit to
So let us first understand the purpose and roles of the AS-211, and the FA-50 in the Philippine Air Force,
"SIAI-Marchetti S-211 jet trainers were first delivered to the Philippine Air Force during the late 1980s and early 1990s. These aircraft served in a training role with a secondary attack function during the 1990s and into the 2000s. These aircraft were locally referred to as AS-211s and nicknamed "Warriors." In 1997 SIAI-Marchetti was acquired by Aermacchi, who continued to work the Philippine Air Force in relation to its AS-211 fleet ("
"The squadron of 12 FA-50s from SouthKorea was acquired by the previous Aquino administration for P18 billion, one of two big-ticket items in the country's modest military modernization program." "The FA-50 is technically a fighter trainer but the PAF acquired it to perform multiple roles. The aircraft were acquired by the previous administration to boost the country's defenses in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) given China's aggressiveness in claiming maritime territories there." "The acquisition of the FA-50s marked the PAF's return to the supersonic age a decade after retiring the last of its US-made F5 fighter jets in 2005 ("


Let us look upon the history of both aircraft in the Philippine Air Force, and to clear confusions to the roles of the Aermacchi AS-211 Warrior which according to the manufacturer is a Basic Jet Trainer/Light Strike Aircraft while the KAI FA-50 Eagle according to Korean Aerospace Industry (KAI) is originally a Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) based on the Advance Jet Trainer platform the T-50 Eagle, the FA-50 was acquired for, and is intended to perform Lead In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) as well as Multi-Role Fighter (MRF) functions.

"Subsequently, in March 2014 the PAF signed contracts that included the purchase of the 12 FA-50PHs. In addition, a requirement to install advanced radar systems and accompanying medium-range air-to-air missiles on three or four aircraft was revealed. This will bestow beyond-visual-range capability and enable the PAF to undertake 'long-range interceptions ("
Why did the Philippine Air Force converted their Aermacchi S-211 into a jet fighter trainer known as the AS-211 code named "Warrior", the answer is simple;

"With the final retirement of the F-5 fleet in October 2005, the AS-211s filled their role in the external Philippine air defense mission. Air Force officials stated that the arrangement was merely a stop gap measure ("
The AS-211 Warriors were used in Interception, as well as in the Counter Insurgency (COIN) operations of the Philippine Government, the Philippine Air Force are forced to do so because of the lack of air assets of the Philippine Air Force during those times.

Operators of the T-50 Trainer variants, credit to

The Aermacchi AS-211 Advance Jet Trainer/Light Strike Aircraft, is obviously a different aircraft when compared to the FA-50 in terms of avionics and weapon system, although we must first understand that the Aermacchi AS-211 or S-211 are developed and manufactured during the late 1960's and they were delivered to the Philippine AIr Force as S-211 Basic Jet Trainer/Light Strike Aircraft during the early 1980's, the S-211 is a sub sonic jet trainer light strike aircraft usually used by the Philippine Air Force to train fighter pilots for our super sonic jet fighters. 

The F-5 A/B are our main jet fighters/interceptors before they are retired at year 2005, and as we know because of lack of air assets, the Philippine Air Force opted to upgrade or enhance our S-211 fleets into the AS-211 "Warrior" as a stop gap measure through the program called project Falcon, with the help and support of the manufacturer. 

The FA-50 on the other hand, is a newly acquired assets of the Philippine Air Force, developed as an Light Combat Aircraft by KAI as a replacement for their F-5 E's, as much as it is a capable Multi-Role Fighter (MRF), the FA-50 is a super sonic jet fighter, and it is more advance than the AS-211 "Warrior" of the Philippine Air Force by tree folds. It is far more superior than the AS-211. 

To clear confusions, (according to an credible informant) we acquired the FA-50 through Government to Government transaction along with the Korean government of South Korea, and Korean Aerospace Industries, the original plan to acquire Lead In Fighter Trainers were maintained that is why the press and the AFP/DND still describes the FA-50 PH as an Advance Jet Trainer/Fighter although technically speaking it is not a Lead In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) but a dedicated Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) that could do Multi-Role Fighter roles/functions, and is considered by some defense enthusiast as an Light-Multi Role Fighter. 

The FA-50 will remain to be an Lead In Fighter Trainer (LIFT) because the Philippine Air Force will use it as such, because in the first place it is acquired as one. We should be thankful that the Aquino administration pushed for the FA-50, and not with the TA-50 because for one, it is more capable to defend the Philippine Air Space against foreign threats, and intruders, than the TA-50. The FA-50 Eagle like the AS-211 "Warrior" is an dual edged sword acquisition by the Philippine Government.

To be effective and efficient on air to air engagements in my opinion, the hard points of the FA-50 needs to be modified/upgraded to carry at least some additional 12 Air-To-Air missiles (a total of 14 missiles) if not just additional 8 Air-To-Air missiles (a total of 10 missiles), it must be medium range missiles too, for the missiles to be at par with the range of other OPFOR bogies, if such upgrades/enhancement/attachments is possible. Because currently, the FA-50 only has two hard points for Air-to-Air Missiles on its wing tips. 

At the end of the day, it will still depend on the skill, and training of the pilot, two medium range Air-To-Air missiles and one 20 mm cannon, might do just fine with our skilled Philippine Air Force pilots. 

Overall... The FA-50 is like the modern day AS-211 "Warrior", it is because it is acquired also as a stop gap measure for our Multi-Role Fighter Acquisition (hopefully) in the near future, the FA-50 will be used as an fighter/trainer. But the good thing is it is a super sonic fighter, and it is as advance and as capable as compared to other Multi-Role Fighters out there, the FA-50 is capable enough in defending the Philippine aerospace, and national territories, in time of peace, we would be needing our Multi-Role Fighters in war time.

As for the AS-211, if the Philippine government is successful in acquiring additional FA-50s, maybe in Horizon II of the AFP modernization program, in my opinion, the Philippine Air Force, and or the Department of National Defense might retire our aging AS-211 fleet.

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