Friday, October 7, 2016

Russian Weaponries for the AFP?

In the highlight of the news regarding to the impending arms sales with Russia about the helicopter deal, this is something we need to watch closely since the details are deemed interesting. 

Moreover, before we even discuss about the probability with regards on the future sales of Russian weaponry, let us discuss the nature of such weaponry when it comes to its procurement and upkeep.


Technically-wise, Russian weapons are indeed one of the best there is in the market where its performance equates to its mere industrial value way back to the Cold War years where in-depth research and arms race do the work. Hence, the fruits of such technological advancement are benefited by the Russian Federation from the now-existent Soviet Union. The hallmarks of its weapons are ranging from tanks to SAM (Surface-to-air missile), attack helicopters to attack jets and submarines to battlecruisers.

However, these things throughout the 1990s dwindled a lot since the downfall of the Soviet Union. And it is also the mere fact that the newly-formed Russian Federation offered its weaponry to the then Philippine Government under Pres. Cory Aquino and is considered on the old AFP Modernization Program drafted by then-Pres Ramos at that time. The sad news there s that no Russian weapons have been successfully made within the Armed Forces as the Modernization Program goes to foil during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.

Now, the Russians are at it again, offering their best weapons there is to the President whose intention is at a striking change from its traditional ally, the United States into the what so-called the independent foreign policy. And that means looking what the Russians, as well as the Chinese and other suppliers have to offer.

So, here's the thing about the Russian weaponry -- they are economically speaking, affordable to purchase. And that is advantageous to the Russians upon selling those to the countries whose economy is at its normalistic pace like the Philippines. However, the problem with these weapons comes at three points - compatibility, logistics and maintenance.

1. Compatibility - Russian-based hardware is different in ecosystem than those on NATO-based western weaponry. It was like having an Apple computer using Mac OS as its software as comparable to the mainstream Microsoft-based systems. As far as Philippines is concerned, its weapons are primarily Western-based since through the years it aligns to what the Americans and most of the Europeans have. These in which, must be cope up first since this issue is detrimental to the next two points.

2. Logistics - One of the issues must be fixed upon is logistics. In the event of problematic failures on any of Russian-based systems, one must either send it back to Russia for repairs or buying spares to the adjacent territories who offer such necessity like Vietnam. The primary solution to this problem is for the Russians to set-up shop in the Philippines or, better yet, find a local partner who can do such repair and spare support stuff for them. These in which saves a lot of money when it comes to logistics.

3. Maintenance - Russian weapons in the long run are not that efficient considering that it takes more overhaul times than its Western counterparts. This is something the Russian needs to improve to have a PH-based variant where it is a improved version where it is much reliable and have a maintenance which can equate enough to the western parts.


PLAAF Mi-17. From Wikimedia Commons
The Philippines, for many years prior Duterte's seat into power, is already eyeing to this known Russian helicopter. This medium-lift helo can help the government personnel to do things from logistics to HADR, or even be served as a gunship when getting armed by rocket pods and guns at both sides. According to this article, it seems that Manila and Moscow is closing to seal a deal with the Russian with regards to the helicopters. And with these, the best thing here is as for this moment is the Mi-17. The same article also refers to the Mi-24 Hind helicopter. Considering the nature of the Hind by nature as more of a gunship, it seems that it will be considered as well in the given pipeline and hence, will given the sign as a starting point for PH-Russian Arms sales.


This article from Sputnik gives some startling Russian viewpoints as per their interest on a possible arms sales with their Filipino counterparts. The article pointed out the importance of a multipolar world and a multipolar policy in which the Russian seen at the Filipinos as "equated" to their views in the world.

Russia, being cash-strapped as the result of the sanctions implemented by Western Powers, is looking for arms sales in each nation for what it seems will make more money for them. And it seems they've seen in in the Philippines in which it looks to procure more weapons in the limelight of its internal problems and definitely soon, with China in the West Philippine Sea. In fact, they even seen the dispute as a possibility to sell more sophisticated weapons to the Philippines, much into China's dismay.

"Furthermore, if Manila seeks to assert itself in disputes in the South China Sea, it may turn to Russia for air defense systems, including the Buk and Tor medium and short-range SAM systems."

This in which, it definitely gives Philippines a leverage upon the conflict if one divulge to the ideas given in the quote. For that in which, only time will tell about the output of the overall assessment of the idea of having Russian weaponry for the Philippines.


These things are seen as a welcoming point to both the Russians and Filipinos alike wherein it is interesting and as well worthy to get observed in a matter of days, weeks or even into upcoming months. With these, Philippines can be clearly seen as having a diverse force doing its best pragmatically to have its own interest come first before anything else. 

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MarcoINorway_911 said...

I would say better off buying ground based air defense materiel from Russia, they have excellent systems for that.

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